Whānaungatanga underpins our role and through smart work
we achieve better outcomes for all whānau in our communities
We understand the pressure to deliver on the opportunity
that is the Social Accord and
acknowledge that this demands our Iwi organisations alongside us.
Te Hiku ō Te Ika Iwi Development Trust (the Development Trust) is a Charitable Trust formed in 2013 by the Iwi Chairs of NgāiTakoto, Te Aupōuri and Te Rarawa.
Set up on the cusp of the Treaty settlements, the Development Trust was established as a vehicle to drive
collaborative programmes and shared outcomes that Iwi seek collectively.
We are systems advocates
and activists directly raising the voice of whānau with agencies of the Crown in order to effect change.
We are the “fix-it champions” and perform a number of roles.
Some are straight forward, others are complex, but we work together
as a group to identify problems, look at it from all angles, and then come up with solutions.
We do this by asking three critical questions:
Kia whiwhi ngā hāpori, ā whānau,
ā hapū me ngā Iwi ō Te Hiku ō Te Ika,
i te oranga tonutanga,
kia rānea.
The communities of whānau, hapū and Iwi of Te Hiku ō Te Ika
are culturally, socially and economically prosperous.
We are systems advocates and activists directly raising the whānau voice with agencies of the Crown in order to effect change.
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