Hugh holds dual roles that straddle both Te Hiku and the Crown. He is a long-standing Trustee for Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust, as well as senior manager responsible for Treaty Negotiations and Iwi Relationships for DIA.
Hugh has served his Iwi as a Treaty negotiator and Trustee of Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust—representing both Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri and Ngāitakoto as a Social Accord representative.
Hugh has extensive experience in the Government Sector, with more than twenty-six years of policy advice, communications and relationship management experience in Foreign Affairs, Education, Conservation and Internal Affairs.
Hugh’s strength is in making connections, and enhancing collaborative relationships to improve outcomes for Māori, including: Working with other culture and heritage agency representatives to change the way the sector negotiates Treaty settlements and make them more cooperative, iwi-focussed and effective .
Supporting iwi and the Crown to develop in partnership He Tohu—the new home of Te Tiriti, He Whakaputanga and the Women’s Suffrage Petition.
Leading and landing the substantive matters of the Te Aupōuri Treaty settlement with the hardworking team of kaumatua, kuia and iwi members of the Te Aupōuri negotiating team.
We are systems advocates and activists directly raising the whānau voice with agencies of the Crown in order to effect change.
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