Positions Vacant


Office Cleaner

Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust

Closing date: 29/10/2022


Te Hiku Iwi Development Trust is looking for a new cleaner.

We would love to hear from anyone who is interested in discussing this role further with us.

The role is for 15 hours, over 3 days a week, primarily outside of business hours.

The mahi includes:

  • cleaning the 2nd floor of the Te Aupouri building in Melba Street as well as the attached two floors of our back building,
  • It also requires keeping the outside, ground level, of the building clean and tidy, removing rubbish, and weeding the garden.


We are looking for a capable, reliable, and trustworthy person to join our team.

If you are interested please contact Lesley for further information,

021 708252 or via HR@tehikuiwi.com

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