The eldest of seven tamariki, Tui was born and raised in Papakura, South Auckland. During her college years, Tui’s whānau relocated to her father’s tūrangawaewae in Ahipara. Tui completed a Dip.Bus Māori Development at Auckland University, began her reo journey with Te Pōkaitahi and Te Pōkairua Reo Rumaki at MIT and began her mahi toi journey with raranga through Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. In recent years, Tui completed a Degree of Māori Art at NorthTec under the auspices of Maunga Kura Toi and is currently completing a Postgraduate Diploma of Māori Art at Massey University. Tui has worked in sales, marketing and management. She is passionate about Te Hiku advancement and working in a dynamic and ground-breaking environment.
We are systems advocates and activists directly raising the whānau voice with agencies of the Crown in order to effect change.
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